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How to Prevent Back Over Accidents in New York

Back Over Accident NY

Have you or your loved one been hurt in a New York back-over accident? Call our injury attorneys at Apicella & Schlesinger Attorneys at Law. Every year, 232 people die, while 13,000 suffer injuries due to back-over accidents. Even more shocking, most back-over accident victims are children younger than five years old and older adults. …

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5 Things to Remember When Working on a Scaffold to Prevent Accidents

harness safety belt

Working on a scaffolding structure is a potentially risky endeavor. It is, therefore, important to make safety your topmost concern. According to the United States Department of Labor, 4,500 workers are injured in scaffold-related accidents every year. However, these accidents can be avoided if you take the necessary safety measures. Here’s how you can prevent …

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Are You Responsible if Someone Else Drives Your Car and Gets in an Accident?

man receiving phone call that someone has been in an accident in his car

If a friend or a family member is involved in an accident after borrowing your car, your insurance company should generally step up and cover the damages. Giving your car key to a friend, colleague or relative may seem like a minor thing. However, if an accident occurs when someone else is driving your car, …

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5 Steps to Pursue Compensation After a New York Motorcycle Accident

the scene of a new york motorcycle accident

If you have been injured in a New York motorcycle accident, here are five important steps you should take to protect your right to compensation. A motorcycle crash can leave even the most experienced motorcyclist confused and shocked. However, quickly taking the proper steps can help you recover the total amount of compensation you are …

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Frequently Asked Questions About Witnesses in New York Personal Injury Cases

personal injury case in New York

If you are seriously injured due to someone else’s negligence and want to seek compensation, you will often need witnesses to support your claim. Let’s discuss some common questions people have about witnesses in New York personal injury cases.  What Role Do Witnesses Play in Personal Injury Cases? Witnesses help to clarify how the accident …

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