If you or a loved one have suffered a TBI in an auto accident due to another’s recklessness or negligence, this may result in medical bills, damages, lost wages, lost earning potential, and long-term medical treatment.
Millions of people suffer traumatic brain injuries (TBI) in the U.S. According to the CDC, there were nearly 61,000 TBI-related deaths in 2019. Car accidents were the second leading cause. Why are TBI’s among the most common type of auto accident injuries?
If you or your loved one have been involved in an accident that has resulted in a traumatic brain injury, you undoubtedly have many questions and concerns. At Apicella & Schlesinger Attorneys at Law, we can help you navigate the legal complexities of your car accident case. We can also help you receive the compensation you need and deserve.

Why Are They So Common?
Almost all car accidents cause the body to jolt or move unnaturally. TBI’s are generally caused by a violent jerk or blow to the head or body, typical in an auto accident. A person’s head can contact the steering wheel, dashboard, or window or hit a flying object. A TBI can also be caused by an object penetrating the brain, such as a shattered piece of skull.
Whiplash is a common injury during a car accident. When the victim’s head is violently thrown backward and then forward due to the force from behind, the brain can strike the inside of the skull, resulting in a mild to moderate TBI.
Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries
The severity of the traumatic brain injury depends on a variety of factors. They are divided into three levels of damage. These include:
- Mild TBI or Concussion is a mild and temporary condition resulting in a headache and possible coordination, balance, memory, or judgment issues. After a short period of rest, most concussion victims fully recover. However, if a person suffers multiple mild concussions, they are more susceptible to more severe injuries if they have another head injury.
- Moderate TBI and post-concussion syndrome can sometimes last for a few months to a year or more. This means the victim may suffer mild TBI symptoms for a much more extended period. This can lead to depression and anxiety issues.
- Severe TBI is caused by the brain moving within the skull and is harmed, known as a closed-injury TBI. Severe TBI can also include a penetrating TBI if a foreign object pierces the skull and brain tissue. Severe TBI’s typically lead to loss of consciousness and much more severe side effects, even death.
Contact Our Brain Injury Attorenys
If you or a loved one have suffered a TBI in an auto accident due to another’s recklessness or negligence, this may result in medical bills, damages, lost wages, lost earning potential, and long-term medical treatment. At Apicella & Schlesinger Attorneys at Law, our attorneys will help you understand your legal options and the best strategies for total and fair compensation from an auto accident claim.
You will need to file an accident claim to recover your losses. Unfortunately, this is not always easy. The insurer will likely try to find excuses to devalue or reject your injury claim. It is, therefore, necessary to seek the help of an experienced personal injury attorney to help protect your rights and ensure you get fair compensation.
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