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Is It Common to Suffer from PTSD After a Car Accident?

PTSD Car Accident Lawyer

We will fight to ensure you’re compensated for your mental anguish and the distress you’re experiencing. We generally link the term PTSD with soldiers who experience intense, disturbing thoughts and feelings due to traumatic experiences they faced in war. However, you may be surprised to learn that motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of …

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Victim of a Road Rage Accident in New York

Victim of Road Rage Accident

New York law entitles victims of road rage accidents to recover compensation for their injuries and damages. It’s easy to get frustrated while driving on New York’s roads. Multiple factors contribute to having an unsettling moment behind the wheel, from heavy traffic to drivers that aren’t paying attention. However, frustration is no excuse to drive …

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My Car Accident Has Aggravated My Pre-Existing Condition

Pre-Existing Condition Car Accident

Do not let the insurance company intimidate you into thinking you cannot recover compensation. If you were in an auto accident and your new injuries aggravate your pre-existing medical condition, contact Apicella & Schlesinger Attorneys at Law. You are entitled to receive compensation for your new injuries. Do not let the insurance company bully you …

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Reasons Insurance Companies Offer Low Car Injury Settlements

Insurance Company Low Settlement Offer

If you’ve been involved in a car accident resulting in serious injuries or damages, you may be wondering why the insurance company has offered you such a low settlement. It’s crucial to recognize that insurance companies are only worried about one thing – profit. They’re in business to make money and will often do whatever …

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